mix media series

Pas bête !

Hippoquille (ou joncampe)

Daffodil, colouring pencils and pencil’s scrub – 21×29,7cm – Nanou Gribouille 2020

Rose flamand

Rose, colouring pencils – 21×29,7cm
Nanou Gribouille 2020


Madeleine, colouring pencils – 21×29,7cm
Nanou Gribouille 2020


Leaf, colouring pencils – 21×29,7cm
Nanou Gribouille 2020


Leaf, colouring pencils – 21×29,7cm
Nanou Gribouille 2020


Stone, colouring pencils – 21×29,7cm
Nanou Gribouille 2020

Jonquache (ou vachille)

Daffodil, colouring pencils – 21×29,7cm
Nanou Gribouille 2020

Chauve sous feuille

Leaf, colouring pencils – 21×29,7cm
Nanou Gribouille 2020

Flamand pivoine

Peony, colouring pencils – 21×29,7cm
Nanou Gribouille 2020


Macaron, colouring pencils – 21×29,7cm
Nanou Gribouille 2020


Leaf, colouring pencils – 21×29,7cm
Nanou Gribouille 2020


Nanou Gribouille

1973, Charleville-Mézières, France

– I am a self-taught, what do you want me to tell? I started painting when I was 18. Repros of masterpieces. With oil. I always wanted to draw and my entourage telled that it was not an honorable profession. One day I said « shit » to everyone. Now I do what I love. It’s a passion. If I don’t draw I don’t breathe. And the designs are childish. Because I remained a child. I didn’t made reputated schools…
– We don’t care about schools…
– I know but it’s more chic!


Self-taught artist

1991: She paints for the first time
later: She started to paint for herself

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